The science of gestures: We learn faster when we talk with our hands

© 2017-2019 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved

Do you motion with your easily when yous talk? Most people practise. The movements come naturally to usa, and frequently happen without whatsoever witting planning. We speak, and our hands get into the act.

Undoubtedly, a lot of this behavior is learned.

If yous raise a child in Italian republic, she'll grow up learning dissimilar gestures than if you enhance her in Japan, Nigeria, or Canada.

She'll also learn different social norms nigh the desirability of gesturing. By the historic period of two years, Italian children produce nearly twice every bit many communicative gestures as exercise English language-speaking Canadian kids (Marentette et al 2016).

But cultural variation doesn't alter the fact that gesturing is a species-normal behavior. Similar speech, music, or dance, gesture is office of our biological heritage.

Children who are blind from nascence use gestures when they talk, even when speaking to other sightless people (Iverson and Goldin-Meadow 1998).

And fieldwork on the great apes suggests that our ancestors used their hands to communicate long before the development of speech (deWaal and Pollick 2006; Byrne et al 2017).

Merely why practice nosotros exercise information technology present? Is information technology mere mitt-waving? Is it a useless atavism, an evolutionary leftover that serves no mod purpose?

Research suggest otherwise.

Equally it turns out, our unproblematic mitt movements have a substantial impact on the way we learn, reason, and solve bug.

  • Babies exposed to lots of communicative gestures announced to learn language more quickly, and acquire bigger vocabularies. It'south helpful to have a parent who is a good gesturer.
  • Young children as well seem to benefit from making gestures. For instance, toddlers who bespeak are more likely to elicit helpful information from adults ("Oh! That's a dog!"), which may explicate why these children develop larger vocabularies over time.
  • And from elementary school through higher, gesturing has been found to aid students learn — from mastering new mathematical concepts, to acquiring new vocabulary and reasoning near spatial relationships.

With all this evidence, nosotros really should be in the business organisation of encouraging gesture, at to the lowest degree the kind that boosts communication and intellectual performance. Far from beingness outmoded or redundant, gesture plays an of import part in our cognitive evolution.

Here are the details.

Babies benefit from gesturing

Information technology's clear that gestures tin aid adults understand the meaning of new words. That's why pantomime is effective, and it's the premise of the classic parlor game, charades.

But practise gestures accept a substantial effect on language learning in children?

In that location is proficient bear witness in favor.

1. Nosotros know that young children can option up on gestures

Experiments demonstrate that 2-yr-olds pay attending to developed gestures, and employ them to figure out what actions adults are asking them to perform (Novack et al 2015).

And deaf infants immersed in a sign language environment develop language skills at rates similar to hearing infants exposed to speech.

And so from an early age, children written report our gestures, and understand them to be communicative.

two. We know that kids can eventually acquire to use gesture to speedily piece of work out the meaning of a new discussion.


Whitney Goodrich and Carla Kam confirmed this in an experiment on preschoolers. The researchers invented four verbs, and then presented kids with boob shows that demonstrated the significant of these words.

For case, ane show featured a stick toy pulling a puppet along a winding path. Another featured the boob getting spun around on a turntable.

Forth with each boob evidence, an adult experimenter introduced the discussion being depicted by slipping it into her conversation, e.thousand.,

"Sam (the puppet) really likes to blip. Can you tell me which toy lets Sam go blipping?"

Of class, the kids had never heard of "blipping" before, but they could approximate. And their guesses depended on what types of gesture the experimenter used while she was talking. If she had traced her finger forth an imaginary, winding path, kids were more than likely to choose the stick toy (Goodrich and Kam 2008) .

3. Even before children demonstrate this quick thinking, they appear to benefit via slower learning processes.

In an experiment on 18- to 24-month-olds, researchers trained babies to understanding the significant of the discussion "under" by asking them to place 1 item "nether" another. Could yous put the toy bear nether the tabular array?

Some babies got the added aid of an explanatory gesture. The adult conspicuously placed one of her hands below the other as she spoke.

Other babies weren't exposed to a gesture, merely instead were shown a photograph. When the adult asked the babies to perform the task, she also showed them a photograph depicting the desired outcome (e.g., the bear sitting nether the table).

In tests that immediately followed grooming, researchers observed no differences betwixt groups. But when researchers tested the babies again, 2-3 days later, the children exposed to gestures outpaced those in the photo grouping. They showed a stronger, more flexible understanding of the word "under" (McGregor et al 2009).

4. Babies develop larger vocabularies when they communicate with people who gesture.

As I note in opens in a new windowthis article, children announced to learn language faster when they have parents who score higher on objective measures of "referential transparency," the ability to convey the meaning of a word through nonverbal cues. In a written report tracking l toddlers, researchers establish this to be the example fifty-fifty later controlling for a child'south initial vocabulary size (Cartmill et al 2012).


five.  Babies who use lots of gestures tend to develop more than advanced skills.

Does your baby communicate a lot with this hands? If so, he's more likely to utter his outset multi-give-and-take sentence at an earlier age (Iverson and Goldin-Meadow 2005; Ozçalişkan and Goldin-Meadow 2010; Goldin-Meadow 2014).

Gesturing babies also become on to amass larger vocabularies, which may stem from their ability to engage caregivers in chat.

As noted above, babies who make frequent use of pointing tend to get more timely linguistic feedback. They see something that interests them — point at information technology– and their caregivers respond past providing the appropriate exact label (Kovács et al ; Wu and Gros-Louis 2013).

Experiments show that babies acquire more chop-chop when we respond to their pointing in this way (Begus et al 2014; Lucca and Wilbourne 2016).

All of this sounds pretty encouraging — if you and your baby are die-hard gesturers. But what if y'all aren't? Can you change your ways?

A recent study offers hope. Researchers paid a serial of in-home visits to fifteen babies (ranging between 16 and 20 months of historic period) over a flow of half dozen weeks. During each visit, babies sat with an adult experimenter and looked at a couple of movie books (LeBarton et al 2015).

The experimenter talked to the baby about the objects depicted in the books. "Look at the dress. That's a dress." But not every baby experienced exactly the same lesson.

  • Some babies watched as the experimenter pointed to the items she spoke about.
  • Some babies watched the adult point, and were also coaxed to point at, or touch, the named items themselves.
  • Some babies were randomly assigned to a control condition. Nobody pointed; all the information was verbal.

Two weeks after the last session, researchers found that the babies encouraged to gesture were now gesturing more than at home.

Did that increment translate into improve linguistic communication learning? That's hard to say, because the time frame of this study was and so short, and the sample size and so modest. Babies who gestured during their lessons did, in fact, evidence the greatest growth in their vocabulary, but the effect wasn't quite strong enough to accomplish statistical significance. Perhaps future studies — larger studies conducted over longer time periods — will replicate these results.

Meanwhile, parents should experience motivated to engage their babies with meaningful gestures, and to encourage their babies to respond in kind. Smiles, praise, and responsiveness will assistance reinforce your baby's attempts to communicate.

Merely what about later on? Do kids continue to benefit from gesture? Yes.

But what nearly afterward on? Practise older people likewise do good from gesture?


Gesture helps us perform spatial reasoning tasks

If y'all want to retrieve a new route, ane fashion to do information technology is to but rehearse it through visualization. But merely imagining the route isn't as constructive as combining mental imagery with hand movements.

When researchers tested these two forms of rehearsal head-to-head, they institute that people encouraged to gesture learned with greater accuracy than did people who were prevented from doing so. In fact, people who gestured remembered new routes with greater accuracy than did people who drew the routes on paper — maybe because the task of drawing introduces distractions into the procedure (So et al 2014).

So it seems that gesture can help the states visualize moving ourselves through space. Can information technology besides assistance us visualize the motion of other objects?

The ability to mentally rotate an object is a core spatial skill opens in a new window(read more than about it in this Parenting Science article), and in that location is evidence that gesture can indeed assistance.

For instance, in a report of 5-yr-olds, the kids with the best mental rotation skills were likewise the kids who spontaneously used their hands during problem-solving (Ehrlich et al 2006).

And an experiment supports the idea that gesturing contributes to better performance.

Mingyuan Chu and Sotaro Kita asked higher undergraduates to solve a prepare of visual rotation tasks, the sort of bug that require united states to rotate three-dimensional objects in our "mind'southward eye."


But first, the researchers randomly assigned each student to one of three experimental conditions.

  • In the beginning condition, students were instructed to use their easily as they attempted the problems.
  • In the 2d condition, students were free to use their easily, but they weren't given any special instructions.
  • In the 3rd condition, students were told to sit on their hands. Literally!

These assignments made a large divergence in the amount of gesturing students performed. The students encouraged to gesture did so about six times as often every bit the students in the 2nd group. And of course the students who sat on their hands produced no gestures at all.

But what the researchers really wanted to know was if all that additional gesturing fabricated any difference for spatial problem-solving, and it did. The students who had been actively instructed to gesture made the fewest number of errors (Chut and Kita 2011).

Gestures "costless up" working memory


opens in a new windowWorking memory is a bit like the RAM of a computer. It'due south the ability to recollect information over a very brief interval (a few seconds), and it's what permits united states to continue our heed on a task.

Our power to learn is constrained by the limits of working retentivity (Brunken et al 2002). So anything that reduces the "cognitive load" on your working memory — anything that makes information technology easier for yous to juggle multiple pieces of information at in one case — may heave your ability to reason and acquire.

And surprisingly, gestures may do that for us.

In one experiment, Susan Goldin-Meadow and her colleagues presented a group of children and adults with a concentration-straining challenge.

Start, the researchers briefly presented people with a list of items to remember. And then they asked these people to perform another job on the side: The volunteers had to await over a mathematical trouble, and and then explicate its solution to another person.

During this step, the researchers noted which people made spontaneous use of gestures during their mathematical explanations. So, at last, the researchers asked participants to spill the beans about that list. How many items could they withal call up?

For both children and adults, the outcome was the same. The people who had gestured more during their math explanations went on to call up more items from the list.

The researchers concluded that expressing concepts with speech and gesture uses up less working retentiveness than expressing the same concepts with speech lonely (Goldin-Meadow et al 2001).

In other words, using your hands to talk is a strategy that minimizes cognitive load, freeing upwardly memory for other tasks.

Subsequent research has bolstered this decision.

Studies suggest that gesturing helps people perform tasks that tap verbal working retentiveness skills, especially if they have low working memory capacities (Gillespie et al 2014).

Gesturing is also linked with better performance on tests of visuo-spatial working memory (Wu and Coulson 2014; Morsella and Krauss 2004).

And when adults tell children to refrain from gesturing, kids perform notably worse on working memory tasks (Pine et al 2007).

Gesturing helps school kids grasp and retain new lessons nearly mathematics


If gesturing helps analyze our spatial reasoning and minimizes cognitive load, might information technology too aid u.s.a. larn mathematical concepts? Mathematical tasks taps both opens in a new windowspatial intelligence and opens in a new windowworking retention, so information technology makes sense. And once again, the bear witness is supportive.

Susan Cook and her colleagues tested some tertiary and quaternary graders to see if they could solve simple algebra bug like this:

4 + 3 = ___ + vi

None of the children could. Then the researchers randomly assigned each kid to receive i of three types of instruction:

  • In the Oral communication condition, a teacher explained to the kid, "I want to make i side equal the other side," and she asked the child to echo the phrase.
  • In the GESTURE condition, a instructor moved her left hand under the left side of the equation, then moved her right hand nether the right side of the equation. So the teacher asked the kid to echo these hand movements.
  • In the GESTURE + Spoken communication condition, the instructor combined both elements. The child was asked to repeat the instructor's words and actions.

Afterward grooming, kids were given a new algebra trouble to solve, and they were told to solve it using whatsoever method their teacher had demonstrated.

Children in all three groups — SPEECH, GESTURE, and GESTURE + SPEECH — showed improvements. They were more probable to go far at a correct solution immediately after didactics.

But something interesting emerged when the kids were re-tested four weeks after:

The children who had shown immediate improvements later on gesturing — either alone, or in combination with speech — were more probable to maintain their improvement four weeks later (Cook et al 2006).

In other words, kids who had learned with gestures did a better job remembering the right strategy.

Interestingly, these kids too showed evidence of transfer — of beingness able to apply their emerging knowledge to new contexts (Cook et al 2006).

And subsequent enquiry — using fMRI brain browse technology — has shown that kids who learn in this fashion are more likely activate motor regions of the brain when they get on to solve additional math issues (Wakefield et al 2019).

So perhaps at that place is something intrinsically helpful about combining mental content with physical actions. But as it turns out, you don't have to generate gestures yourself to benefit.

Only watching gestures can besides help kids larn math


We've seen how observing gestures tin can help children learn new vocabulary. Might it likewise help them acquire mathematics?

Susan Cook and her colleagues were curious to observe out if a instructor'southward gesturing alone could make a difference. So they performed a new variant of the mathematics experiment above, this fourth dimension asking kids to but watch the adult instructor (Melt et al 2013).

In immediate post-testing, kids who received instruction with gesture and oral communication outperformed kids who received only verbal instruction. And the achievement gap widened when kids were tested 24 hours later, suggesting that watching gestures helped kids encode the lesson in long-term memory.

Cook has too replicated these furnishings with a mathematics lesson delivered past a computer-generated, anthropomorphic, teaching avatar. Some children in the experiment were randomly assigned to a teaching avatar that incorporated meaningful gestures into it's speech. Other kids received exactly the same lesson, except that the avatar didn't gesture.

The students instructed by gesturing avatars went on to learn and solve problems more than quickly. As in the previous written report, they were as well more likely to transfer their new noesis to other  contexts  (Melt et al 2017).

How, exactly, does a teacher'southward gestures assist children learn math? Recent experiments led past Elizabeth Wakefield suggests it's about attention, both visual and aural.

When a instructor used gestures to emphasize important parts of a mathematics equation, kids were less probable to look at the teacher, and more probable to await at the indicated numbers. In addition, kids did a better job listening to the teacher's speech (Wakefield et al 2018).

What else can gesturing exercise for the states?

In recent years, experiments take documented the usefulness of gesture in encoding memories (Cook et al 2010). They have also indicated that young children call up more information most interesting, autobiographical events when nosotros allow them to gesture (Stevanoni and Salmon 2005).

And experiments take revealed that people are better at solving a sequential, logical puzzle (the Tower of Hanoi) when they employ gestures (Trofatter et al 2015).

Volition future enquiry uncover other benefits? That seems very likely. For case, it's like shooting fish in a barrel to imagine how gesturing might assistance students grasp certain physics concepts. I expect we'll see studies investigating the use of meaningful gesture in scientific discipline education.

But we may also discover some surprises.

Recent research has revealed some interesting correlations in a child's developing ability to tell coherent stories. V-year-olds who employ gesture to portray a character's perspective (like motioning downward with the easily to prove that a character falls down) tend to develop more than complex narrative skills later on.

Compared to other children, they are more probable in subsequent years to construct narratives that recount events in chronological order, and to explain a character's actions in terms of his or her goals (Demir et al 2015).

The same correlation was not plant for speech. But talking almost actions from the character's viewpoint didn't predict afterwards improvements in narrative structure.

Is it possible that the act of physically enacting some other graphic symbol's experiences — "showing" also as "telling" — helps kids better empathize that grapheme?

Is information technology possible that it helps kids think more clearly about cause and effect, and develop better narrative skills? It'southward an intriguing idea that future studies may unravel.

More than information

What happens when we explicitly teach babies to talk with their hands? Acquire more in this article most the possible benefits of educational activity babies gestures.

In add-on, you tin can find more than evidence-based data about learning in opens in a new windowthese Parenting Science pages.


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Wakefield EM, Congdon EL, Novack MA, Goldin-Meadow Due south, James KH. 2019. Learning math by hand: The neural effects of gesture-based instruction in 8-year-old children. Atten Percept Psychophys. 2022 May 20. doi: 10.3758/s13414-019-01755-y. [Epub ahead of print].

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Wu Z and Gros-Louis J. 2015. Caregivers provide more than labeling responses to infants' pointing than to infants' object-directed vocalizations. J Child Lang. 42(3):538-61.

Content last modified 6/2019

This article includes some text from a previous Parenting Science article by the same author.

Title image of baby gesturing with domestic dog past opens in a new windowmliu92/flickr

Image of preschooler in robot tee shirt by opens in a new windowGordon / flickr

Epitome of gesturing infant in green striped shirt by opens in a new windowQuinn Dombrowski / flickr

Image of teacher and educatee by opens in a new windowFort Rucker / flicker

Image of chalkboard with calorie-free bulb by opens in a new windowcristian carrara / flickr


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